The Subdivision google map provides users with google map capability,
view the subdivision GIS data and see where it is on the map. The map offers some features:
Click on map and drag to move the map around.
Use the drop-down menu to load the data layer, subdivision list and download panels.
First letter search feature allows users to quick search the subdivision.
Click on a name on the list will zoom into its location and popup the information window.
Click on markers on the map will zoom in and popup the information window.
Zoom in and Zoom out by using tool on the left.
Click on the Satellite, Hybrid, and Terrain on the top to switch between the different view.
Use the drop-down menu to load the data layer, list, and download panels .
Check the first letter of the subdivision you want to search.
Click the subdivision name you found on the list.
You can also clcik the red map marker icon to popup the information windown.